Myofascial release Pain Relief

Myofascial release for pain treatment, is a highly acclaimed soft tissue therapy that includes a mix of massage and gentle and long strokes to liberate the tension in the ‘fascia’ or connective tissue that surrounds organs, muscles and other body systems. Myofascial restrictions trigger due to intense pressure exerted on the muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels etc that result in headaches, limited mobility, pain and disease.
Myofascial release is a safe, hands-on technique that takes the pressure and inflammation off these pain affected areas, making the body heal naturally and function properly.

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Myofascial release Benefits
Here are ways in which myofascial release can benefit us:
1. Treat muscle spasms: Myofascial release is very helpful in treating muscle spasms that confine bodily movement.
2. Back pain: It is very effective in giving relief from back pain. A 1999 study in the ‘New England Journal of Medicine’, deduced that osteopathic spinal manipulation in the form myofascial release, was as effective as standard therapy for back-pain but without the need for patient to resort to costly painkillers that have side-effects.
3. Stress injuries: Myofascial release is known to be a preferred treatment for healing stress injuries.
4. Menstrual problems: This form of treatment can calm and relieve menstrual discomfort problems.
5. Treatment of Jaw pain; The intolerable jaw pain can be treated with myofascial release
6. Cerebral palsy: Myofascial release has been known to be effective in treating cerebral palsy

Here is how Myofascial release works as a hands-on technique to remove pain from a body part that has been stressed. motion. The fascial system is connective tissue that can be likened to a spider’s web. The fascia is thickly woven and binds every bone, muscle, artery, vein and internal organs of our body. It is one formation that moves from head to foot non-stop.

You can say that every part of the body is connected with the other by the ‘fascia’ as a yarn in a sweater. If it were not for the constant support, flexibility and the pull, the organs in the body would not be kept stable. Another way of relating to the fascia is like comparing it to a rope or wire that creates the right tension for the tent (body) to remain stable and upright.

In good health, the fascia remains relaxed and is wavy in pattern. But when there is a physical hurt, injury, scarring or infection, the fascia loses its pliancy, flexibility and stretching-ability. It then, becomes taut, rigid and restricted. Poor posture and repetitive stress injuries can also be the cause. Fascia can add to the pain and aggravation of the illness or injury. This is why, the functioning of our body is impaired and we begin to feel uncomfortable. Myofascial release utilizes of hands-on therapy and massage to make myofascial system right, so that we are pain-free and are able to enjoy unhindered motion of our body.

The Myofascial release experts are massage therapists, chiropractors, fitness expers and physical therapists who softly massage the area and the tissue area to align the fasica well. The myofascial therapy usually lasts between 30 minutes and one hour on an average.

There are actually two types of massaging techniques in a Myofascial release treatment
1. Direct myofascial release: This method makes use of low force by the knuckles, elbows or massage tools by the practitioner. The objective is to gradually elongate the restricted fascia.
2. Indirect myofascial release: Few grams of pressure make for low force to gradually stretch the affected area which relaxes the fascia. The purpose is to augment the blood flow and supply of oxygen in the area that is being massaged.

The term ‘myofascial’ came into existence in the 1940’s by Janet G. Travell M.D. who linked it with musculoskeletal pain syndrome and trigger points. In 1976, Dr. Travell formally coined the term ‘Myofascial Trigger Point’ and published the reference ‘Myofascial Pain & Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual’ in 1983.

One should know that in some cases, a person may experience stiffness in the muscles after the therapy, which may go in a couple of days. This is because the Myofascial therapy works on the premise that the stress is trapped in the muscles that keeps the ‘tension’ blocked for some time. The tension may be released in a couple of days making the body pain-free.

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