Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women

Symptoms of lung cancer in women are somewhat similar to that of men. However, these may vary in some ways because typically, men acquire lung cancer through smoking, while most of the women who have lung cancer are not necessarily smokers. The symptoms of lung cancer in women are not as distinguished as that of men’s. The manifestations of such symptoms are more subtle which make them difficult to determine. Shortness of breath and fatigue are some of the symptoms of lung cancer in women.

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Cancer can be a fatal disease if not given medical attention immediately. It is important to determine the different symptoms of lung cancer in women because the earlier the cancer is detected, the higher the chances for the individual to beat it.

Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women

As aforementioned, the signs and symptoms of lung cancer in women are more subtle than those present in men with lung cancer. It is therefore crucial to be very observant so as to spot these symptoms in order to prevent the cancer from spreading or from getting worse. Here are the common symptoms of lung cancer in women:

• Because of the growing tumor in the lungs, the person may experience shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

• Pain on the shoulder or the back part may also be felt. This pain is due to the tumor that is exerting pressure on the nearby nerves.

• Chest pain may also be present during breathing as a result of irritated membranes that line the lungs.

• Recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis is common because of the bacteria that have accumulated in the parts of the lungs near the tumor.

• Constant coughing with blood in sputum. This is caused by the irritated linings of the lungs and the airways.

• Wheezing can also be heard during exhalation due to the narrowed airway which has already swollen.

Management of the Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Women

• Shortness of breath is always a common symptom of lung cancer. When you experience this, the best thing to do is to stay calm. Breathe in deeply and hold breath for as long as you can then exhale.

• To remedy fatigue, exercise daily. However, remember not to overstrain yourself from exercise. A calm, relaxed walk in the park would do. Enjoy the fresh air and breathe in deep as you walk.

• For the chest, back and shoulder pains, consult your doctor. You will be prescribed the appropriate drugs to help ease the symptoms.

• There are lots of treatment options for lung cancer in women which include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. The doctor will conduct different diagnostic tests to determine the type of lung cancer you have and at what stage it is. Based on these findings, your doctor will be able recommend which treatment option is best for you.

Symptoms of lung cancer in women are subtle but if not given immediate attention, the disease is grave. As soon as you feel any of the symptoms, seek medical attention right away even if you’re not sure. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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