How does Social Anxiety Disorder Happen? SAD Causes

For those who want to know the cause of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), one may know that this disorder actually begins in childhood. It is believed that SAD is caused due to a combination of factors, hereditary as well as environmental. Experts have found that Social Anxiety Disorder runs in families, so it is possible that the disorder has genetic reasons.

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The chemical in the brain that causes fear is known as amygdale. This is nothing but fear response. So people with SAD can be predisposed to an overstated fear and anxiety response, possibly due to the over functioning of amygdale.

SAD is also caused due to imbalance in the chemistry of the brain. For instance, an imbalance in the serotonin neurotransmitter that controls emotions and mood can lead to increased SAD issues. The treatment methodoly works in regulating this imbalance in the brain.

Environmental factors can also increase SAD. Some of the factors include:
• .Conflict in the family and sexual abuse
• Overtly critical, controlling, abusive and violent parent
• Withdrawn nature of the child
• Being teased or bullied as a child.


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