Let us understand macrobiotic diet benefits and how this diet is based upon the use of natural materials in our food, clothes and way of life. Even many naturally occuring ingredients can be hazardous to our health (e.g. hemlock, opium, sodium, lead): therefore, to determine the correct applications for natural materials. they are classified in accordance with the “Unique Principle”.
‘The Unique Principle’ was introduced to the Western world by George Ohsawa (Yukikazu Sakurazawa), a Japanese businessman, teacher and writer. As a teenager, Ohsawa was diagnosed with tuberculosis by the Japanese doctors and deemed to have little chance of surviving. However, by following the teaching of Sagen Ishizuka, a natural healer who was famous in Japan at the beginning of the 20,h century, Ohsawa was able to heal himself. He travelled from Japan to Europe in 1929 and, soon thereafter, began teaching the ‘Unique Principle’.
The “Principle”, employs the ancient oriental theory of Yin and Yang to determine the quality of materials in our universe. Though all aspects of the environment are important in the macrobiotic way of thinking, there is a special emphasis on food. This is because the food we eat becomes our bodies. Therefore. special attention is paid to the quality of that portion of the environment, which we consume. All things, including food, can be classified into a “more yin” or a “more yang” category. Generally speaking, yin (pronounced ‘yeen’) foods tend to be more sugary and/or watery and/or cold and/or tropical in origin. Yang (pronounced ‘yahn’) foods tend to be more meaty and/or dry and/or cooked and/ or polar, in nature.
Very yang food (e.g. mammal meat, poultry, table salt, ginseng), as well as very yin food (e.g. sugar, euphoric drugs, strong alcoholic beverages) are generally avoided. These foods are often called “extreme foods”. Balanced foods, which are not so “extreme”, compose the Standard macrobiotic diet. Cereal grains reside at the balance between yin and yang, but even they are involved in the yin and yang classification (everything has yin and yang components: nothing is “neutral”). Therefore, whole grains and their derivatives (pasta, bread, hominy) are considered the mainstay of the diet. All ancient civilisations had used a grain-based element as the main diet
Along with whole grain, the diet is comprised of bean and bean products, a wide variety of vegetables, kelp and other sea vegetables. many excellent soups and condiments, nuts and occasional fish and fruit. Macrobiotic people pay close attention to their personal condition and they adjust the yin and yang quality of their diets, as required to maintain a healthy life and happiness. In addition to classification by type, the quality of the food is also considered. Veggetables should be organically grown.
Fish and sea vegetables should be harvested from deep, clean waterr or from coastal areas located far from city and industrial poüution. Also, genetically engineered foods, even grains and beans, should be avoided. Organic food grown from traditional, open-pollinated seed is the best. . To some individuals, this entire process may be unlikely or farfetched. In that case, it is important to know macrobiotic diet has healed thousands of individuals; some, very life threatening illnesses, such as cancer and heart faease and even enabled diabetics to wean themselves away from insulin . There are many well-documented case histories of people vho have healed themselves through macrobiotic procedures.
Macrobiotics is used to improve health, thinking, sharpen the oases and elevate consciousness. It utilises the same fundamentals .Feng Shui (composition in space) and 9 Ki (composition in time). Both in this case, these basic principles are applied directly to our ^rsical bodies and our lives.General dietary and lifestyle guidelines are not intended to afine a specific regimen that one must follow, as additional adjustments are required for individual application, which vary aocording to personal situations.
Macrobiotic dietary suggestions For occasional use:
• Fish and Seafood
• Seasonal Fruits
• Nuts, Seeds, and Other Natural Snacks