How long does it take to pass a kidney stone?

How long does it take to pass a kidney stone is something that one cannot guarantee about. It is  one of the most irritating urological physical conditions. There are also evidences that even kidney stone existed during historic times, for example in some mummies there were signs that indicated prevalence in kidney stone. It is also one of the common urinary tract disorders. There are approximately three million cases attributed to kidney stone every year and approx half a million people are considered as ’emergency cases’.

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How does Kidney Stone form?

In general kidney stones are formed out of calcium and are sometimes combined with phosphate chemical or oxalate. In certain cases infections may also lead to kidney stone issue. These are nothing but hard masses of crystal that are present in the urine which gets accumulated in kidney. In normal cases the urine prevents the crystals from accumulating and forming a stone; however, this is not possible in some exceptional cases. Generally, the crystal passes away without any difficulties through the urinary tract as these are very minute. However, in some affected individual pain may start to be experienced as the stone becomes bigger in size.

The size of the stone cannot be determined unless you actually see the kidney stone. Therefore it is essential to take expert’s advice and undergo treatment timely. Studies explain that stones that are small in size such as measuring approx four to five millimeter may easily pass away; however, kidney stones that are bigger than five millimeter may require medical attention or even invasive medical treatment.

Signs and symptoms of kidney stone

Larger kidney stones can cause pain in the lower abdomen where kidney is situated along with some other possible signs and symptoms. Such larger kidney stones leads to painful condition as these stones are perhaps too large for the body to move the stone outwards and evacuate it. When there is a prevalence of such stones in the kidney, the sufferer may also experience blood in urine. As well as the frequency of urination may also increase and one may also experience burning sensation while passing urine. Constant agony due to such larger stones may also cause queasiness as well as vomiting. Other signs of larger kidney stone may also include; infection, fever, tremors etc.

How to prevent kidney stones?

One should try to prevent the kidney stone from developing or even growing any larger in size. This can be done by keeping your urine soluble through water therapy or drinking lots of water during the day (approximately 8 to 10 glasses). As long as the urine remains soluble, the phenomenon of crystal nucleus mixing with other oxalates is inhibited. This is the reason why the stone formation is not seen in some individuals. Through such helpful measures substances of crystal as well as other oxalates can be kept separated and evacuated out from the kidney uncombined.

How long does it take to pass a kidney stone?

This may depend on the characteristics of the condition whether it is severe or mild or is the kidney stone removable through medicine or invasive treatment is required. It may take even hours, days or weeks for the stone in the kidney to be evacuated from the body through the urinary tract. The focus remains on keeping it moving outwards through fluids and adopting treatment techniques that may help in obtain relief from symptoms such as pain. The onset of the pain may be sudden as the stone enters in the urinary tract. It may be a severe ache in the lower region of the stomach as well as in the rear portion of the kidney. The pain may be persistent which may also move to the scrotum.

Buildup of Kidney stone:

Though we believe that calcium is good for the body it should be taken in daily recommended measure. If calcium is consumed in excessive amount through food and supplements, it may also lead to development of stones which may cause blockage. Gout is a disorder, which is found in men, produces surplus amount of uric acid. This condition is also believed to be one of the common reasons of kidney stone in men. It is studied that men are at higher risk of developing kidney stones as compared to women.

Symptoms of kidney stone:

• Blood in urine

• Queasiness

• Vomiting

• Excess sweating along with fever

• Tremors

• Pain in lower abdomen

• Back ache (near kidney location)

• Heaviness or pain in groin

Drinking water to remove kidney stone:

The evacuation of stone from the kidney or through urinary tract may depend of the size of the kidney stone, its location as well as the measures taken by the sufferer to evacuate them. It is suggested that one should intake at least two to three quarts of water on daily basis which helps in flushing away the stone out through the urinary tract. This may also help in preventing formation of other kidney stones. Staying physically active may also help in evacuating stone quickly due to movement that influences the stone and moves it out from the body. One should avoid taking too much bed rest; rather one should move around frequently. Incase extreme pain is experienced, your doctor may suggest using heating pads or give you medications that may alleviate the condition.

Kidney stone treatment

Kidney stone treatment is essential in order to seek faster relief from the conditions. In most cases the conditions turn painful as the stone enters the urinary tract, this makes it intolerable. Hence, see medical attention immediately and ask your doctor the time it would take for the stone to be evacuated from the body. Treatment of kidney stone usually involves ultrasound or shockwave to break the stone which makes it easier to pass. In some mild cases your doctor may prescribe medication which may effectively remove the stone from the body or in severe condition surgical treatment may also be required. The treatment technique is also a decisive factor that may indicate the time it will take to evacuate the stone in the kidney. All the factors when considered together, will help you analyze how long does it take to pass a kidney stone?

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