Obstructed defecation syndrome More in Adult Women

Obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) is a form of chronic constipation that affects thousands of people. The symptoms of ODS include prolonged straining, incomplete elimination (not passing the entire stool), and a prolonged time to have a bowel movement. It has been seen that the patients most affected by obstructed defecation are adult women, particularly those who have had multiple births leading to the weakening of the muscles and are unable to pass motions properly

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The sad thing is that these people tend to abuse laxatives and get habituated. axative abuse over a period of time can also lead to colon infections and liver damage. Also the ilfestyle of fast food and junk food have led to more such incidences which is why this problem is more commonly seen in people who belong to upper middle class, some of whom who tend to eat fast food, leaving out the greens and leafy vegetables. A doctor adds, “People whouse shower jets,is almost like conducting an enema. This could be dangerous if not done properly.Also read about women’s constipation problems


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