Tightness in Stomach

Tightness in Stomach


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Many people feel tightness in their stomach after eating or when they wake up in the morning. This sensation may be felt in one section of your abdomen or in the entire stomach. Tightness in the stomach is not a disease but a symptom of many causes. In many cases, tightness in your stomach is accompanied by bloating or cramping. The tightness in the stomach you experience a rise from within the stomach walls or stomach muscles.

Causes of Tightness in Stomach

Tightness in the stomach can occur as a result of many causes such as:

  • Trauma or injury: Tightness in your abdomen may be as a result of trauma or injury in that area. When you sustain an injury on your abdominal area, your stomach muscles can get pulled or strained causing a tight stomach. For instance, when you fall from a building, you can damage your abdomen causing the stomach muscles to strain. In case, the injury is severe, it can damage organs in the abdomen.
  • Mass: Tightness in your stomach may indicate presence of a mass. The mass may include tumors, cysts, polyps and abscess which make you uncomfortable.
  • Peritonitis: This is a condition that causes peritoneum to be inflamed. Peritoneum is a membrane that lines the inside walls of the abdomen and encloses organs in the abdomen. Peritonitis occurs as a result of fungal or bacterial infection. It can also occur due to complications of other medical condition or rupture in your abdomen. Peritonitis can cause tightness in your stomach as well as in the abdomen.
  •    Ascites: This is a condition where fluids accumulate in your abdominal cavity. The abdominal cavity is found below the chest cavity and it is separated by the diaphragm. Ascites can be caused by several factors such as cancer, liver disease, kidney failure and congestive heart failure. Ascites may not show any symptom if it is not severe. But as more fluids buildup, it may cause tightness in your stomach and abdomen. This can be accompanied with pain in the abdomen and bloating.
  • Gastritis: It is a universal term for a cluster of conditions that cause inflammation in your stomach lining. Inflammation of your stomach lining may be caused by bacteria; in many cases the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers may be responsible for gastritis. Drinking excess alcohol and regular use of painkillers can also cause inflammation in your stomach lining.
  • Gastritis can occur abruptly or gradually over a certain period of time. This inflammation can cause tightness in your stomach as well. This can be accompanied with burning sensation in top part of your abdomen and this can become worse when eating or not.
  • Overeating: Eating excess food can cause fullness in your stomach. For instance eating food rich in fiber and fats in excess can cause tightness in your stomach. Drinking alcohol after meals or accompanying it with food can also lead to tightness in your stomach.
  • Irritable bowel movement: This is a condition that affects your colon. Irritable bowel movement causes pain in your abdomen, bloating and tightness. This condition can occur as a result of weak intestinal muscles which cannot contract properly to push bowel along the digestive system. Irritable bowel movements may also occur as a result of infections caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Constipation: When your stool is not regular or hard, it may cause tightness in your stomach and abdominal area. The normal length of time of passing stool varies from one person to another. Some people may pass stool thrice a day. Others may pass stool once a day. Without passing stool for three day, makes your stool harder and difficult to pass through the digestive system.
  • Pregnancy and menstrual cycle: During menstrual cycle, it is common for women to experience tightness in their abdominal area. During pregnancy, as the fetus develops, it will cause tightness in woman’s abdominal region.

Symptoms that May Accompany Tightness in Stomach

Tightness in your stomach is not the only symptom you may experience. There are other symptoms that accompany it such as:

  • You may feel pain your abdomen. You may also have nausea which may be accompanied by vomiting. You will also feel bloated.

How to ease the condition

If tightness in your stomach is not accompanied by other symptoms, you can take the following measures to get relief from a tight stomach:

  • Eat a healthy diet: Eat food rich in vegetables and fruits to reduce gas produced in your stomach. Eat rice, banana and apple sauce to alleviate discomfort caused by diarrhea. You can also eat potatoes, honey, yoghurt and almonds to ease constipation.
  • Avoid dairy products and only eat small amounts of legumes such as peanuts and soyabeans.
  • Drink plenty of water: Drink a lot of water each day to prevent constipation.
  • Exercise: You can stay physically active by exercising regularly. This helps prevent constipation, bloating and gas.

If tightness in your stomach is accompanied by other symptoms, it may indicate an underlying medical condition as the cause. You need medical treatment to identify the cause and treat it properly.

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