Water, benefits of drinking water

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Water is the essence of healthy living, it is vital for life. A person can live without food for a month, but can survive without water for only a week. Water makes up for 60 percent of your body weight. There is no system in the body which does not depend on water. Lungs expel two cups of water through the process of respiration. If you see that you feet is sweating, you can understand that it is a loss of another cup of water. If you make 6 trips to the bathroom, you can count that you are losing six cups of water. Dehydration is when a person loses 10 percent of water in his or her body.

The symptoms of dehydration are:
1. Excessive thirst
2. Headache
3. Fatigue
4. Irritability
5. Little or no urination
6. Dry mouth
7. Light headness
8. Dizziness

Benefits of drinking water:
1. There is less risk of kidney stones, the joints are lubricated and there is less incidence of a person to catch fever.
2. The digestive system is in order, so there is very less or no constipation problems
3. Water beautifies the skin and adds glow to your face. It removes toxins and waste from the body. Skin becomes firm and elastic when it is replenished with water. Without water intake, the skin become dry, old and wrinkled
4. Water makes you feel energetic and fresh
5. Water can fight infections and even take care of headaches
6. If you do not drink much water, there is a chance of getting muscle cramps. In fact, it is the lack of oxygen in the blood which creates lactic acid that leads to cramps.. Water keeps the body supplied with oxygen continually.
7. One way to check if you are having enough water is to check the color of your urine. If it is silvery, it means you are having enough water. Dark urine means there are waste products which are lingering in your bladder, which in turn can give rise to cystitis and kidney infections.
8. Water can remove waste products like undigested food through the process of feces. Without water, the content of the color dries up, and the bowels are not able to move freely, which causes constipation. Constipation can create toxins in the blood, which manifests in the skin, in the form of pimples, acne, boils and other skin ailments.
9. The reason for puffy face when you wake up in the morning is due to insufficient water intake. Drinking water before going to bed at night can remove the problem of fluid retention.
10. Bad breath is one of the major signs of insufficient water intake. If you do not have enough water, the bacteria in the mouth is not washed away leading to foul odor.
To sum up, one needs to drink eight glasses or 2 liters of water everyday to keep your body well hydrated.


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